Friday, October 15, 2010

One room left.

At this point, we are all but full... the only room left is the smallest. It is known as the orange room - even though it is no longer orange.

Ross & I have moved back up to the attic; even though we're only there a couple of days a week, it works better to have our own space. Should be interesting with 2 wee puppies - will be doing a LOT of running down the stairs to get them outside... but we'll cope.
One of our current tenants has a vehicle, so parking is at a premium again - we CAN, if need be, make room for one more, but it does tend to be a pain for the 2 days a week that we are there.

Monday, August 16, 2010

And So we start again

Another school year, another room to rent.

Only one available right now - a large room at the front of the house, with a good size closet and a beautiful stained glass window.

No pets any more - but everything included - dishwasher, laundry, Satellite TV, utilities, telephone, etc.

Attic apartment that might well become as well - that is $650 all inclusive and can be partially furnished or not, as needed.

If you are interested, email me at at

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Almost a year later....

Well, adventures in housing continue.

It makes me rather sad, but have learned the hard way why so many landlords are so very unreasonable.

They have to be!

Otherwise, you get burned. Repeatedly.

Eventually you learn, I guess.

We tried allowing pets. That SO didn't work.

Everyone SWEARS that their animals are fixed and fully trained, and that they will be responsible for them and clean up after them and....and....and....

We've had 2 tenants with cats. First one wasn't too bad, although after he left we discovered bags and bags of dirty kitty litter stored in the room. And, of course, cat wasn't fixed.

Tried again with another seemingly sweet young lady who turned into a tenant from hell. Unfixed, of course - and female; constantly in heat and attracting many, many strays, who sprayed everywhere. Not okay. When I insisted she get it fixed or get it out, she shorted the rent "so that she could afford to fix it" ....and STILL didn't do it. Not only that, once I wasn't there as often, she decided she didn't like the dirty kitty litter in her room so moved it to the empty room and apparently never changed it again. JUST the sort of thing one wants when showing a room to a potential tenant. NOT!

Once she decided to move out, too, she gave up cleaning up after it - cat puke left to dry for days in my office; nice welcome home present.

We didn't fare much better with dogs: again, one was more or less okay. The second was a horrible experience; owner turned out to be total jerk, and the dog showed it. Part of the problem was that Scrooge is only there part time ... which was confusing for the poor dumb mutt. He got to be dominant most of the time, but then when we would show up with Scrooge he had to back down.

And of course, unfixed Rottie - backing down was not his favourite thing. Made one heck of a mess of our bed showing his displeasure. Every time he was able to get in there, he left a pile - right on the bed!!! And his owner thought it EXTREMELY unreasonable of us to expect that he clean it up.

Anyway ... we can be taught and unfortunately, that means that we can no longer accomodate pets. Which makes me sad, but what can you do?

Fortunately, most tenants are not as obnoxious as those 2 were.... but they have changed our approach to landlording (is that a word? LOL) Am being a lot more careful about checking references, requiring first & last up front, and going with my gut.