Everything went well, and we got the keys to 218 Rubidge St. today at about 5 p.m.
We've spent most of the evening cleaning the kitchen - well, Ross did - me, I cleaned out one fridge but then pretty much ran out of steam. It is just too darned hot for non-stop work after an already long day!
Started annoying the pigeons already - Ross has been spraying a product that they are supposed to hate the smell of out of all the windows and from the fire escape. We can, if need be, pull out the heavy artillary - but even though he's licensed to use poisons, he always opts for the least lethal - and environmentally damaging option.
Tomorrow - and for the rest of the week - our goal is to get everything cleaned and disinfected inside and outside. And then we can start laying tiles in the attic, and painting everywhere. Would be nice if it cooled down some!
Anyway, if you're interested in a room, send me an email ..... will also post the phone number, tomorrow after the phone guy gets here.
Snow, snow & more snow
Had enough yet? I sure have! I don’t even have to shovel very often (I’m
spoiled; Ross does most of that) but had more than enough anyway. It’s time
for it...
6 days ago
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