Cleaning, painting and furnishing is SO much fun....NOT!
But we're getting it done. The phone is in - 741-6245 ...I went with a long distance plan that covers all phone calls (24/7) within Ontario. As long as people don't abuse that by calling outside of Ontario without using a phone card, will be available for everyone to use.
The dishwasher came today - we've got the kitchen cupboards all scrubbed down, so now just running all the dishes through before we stock them up. Meant to go down and make sure the washer and dryer work but didn't quite get there today; will do that tomorrow.
I wrote up a tenancy application/agreement today - if you're interested in having a look at it, let me know and I will send it to you. Or I suppose I could see if I can attach it here somehow. Actually, I know how to do that now that I think about it ...but am too tired to actually do it right now; will try to get to that sometime this week. In the meantime, though, do email me and I will happily send it to you.
Snow, snow & more snow
Had enough yet? I sure have! I don’t even have to shovel very often (I’m
spoiled; Ross does most of that) but had more than enough anyway. It’s time
for it...
6 days ago
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